Environmental, Social & Governance Principles

A commitment to ESG principles

ESG principles reflect our core values being respect for each other, demonstrating empathy for the people we interact with and always maintaining integrity in these dealings.

RFC Ambrian’s origins are in the mining industry and since our inception in 1985 we have maintained strong environmental, social and corporate governance (“ESG”) principles in all of our activities.

We believe our commitment to ESG principles is fundamental to maintaining our position as a leading independent adviser and investor in the natural resources, infrastructure and technology markets.

Accordingly, we are committed to investing and partnering with companies that not only share our principles, but also demonstrate a history of strict legal compliance, local community engagement and sustainability practices.

ESG commit
ESG governance compliance

Governance and compliance

We maintain strict compliance with domestic and international corporate governance standards and seek to invest and partner with companies that adhere to those standards. Such standards include:

  • promote ethical and responsible decision making;
  • fully comply with anti-bribery and corruption rules and regulations;
  • uphold a strong foundation for management;
  • maintain structures to safeguard the integrity of financial reporting;
  • respect the rights of, and provide effective and transparent disclosure to, all stakeholders;
  • provide fair remuneration to employees and support collective bargaining arrangements; and
  • promote inclusivity and diversity, including through investing in training and educational programmes.

Health and safety

A strong health and safety track record is crucial to the long-term success of a business and we believe occupational related injuries are preventable. Accordingly, we invest and partner with companies that:

  • implement a systematic and positive approach to health, safety and the elimination of hazards;
  • fully comply with relevant laws and regulations and are proactive about applying high level standards where legal requirements do not exist;
  • ensure safety training is sufficient at all levels and monitored regularly;
  • promote health and safety awareness and maintain a supportive culture so personnel are encouraged to take action where necessary;
  • monitor, report and accurately disclose health and safety performance; and
  • actively seek to improve health and safety performance.
ESG health and safety
Environment and sustainability

Environment and sustainability

It is important that the activities of those we engage with are monitored and managed so that their impact on the environment is minimised and the natural long-term health of the area is protected. Accordingly, we invest and partner with companies that:

  • maintain a robust environmental risk management plan;
  • employ market-leading environmental standards;
  • apply robust science to their approach;
  • ensure materials, energy and resources are used in an efficient manner;
  • minimise use of hazardous and environmentally harmful materials (including emissions) and have contingency plans in the event of containment failure;
  • monitor, report and accurately disclose environmental and sustainability performance; and
  • actively seek to improve environmental and sustainability performance.

Community engagement

We expect companies we engage with to develop meaningful relationships and social programmes with communities associated with their operations. Accordingly, we invest and partner with companies that:

  • maintain an open and mutually beneficial dialogue with affected communities;
  • create shared value through community and social investment;
  • seek to maximise local engagement in operations through employment and contracting;
  • demonstrate an awareness of cultural sensitivities and respect for local customs and rights; and
  • engage with community leaders and local authorities to ensure any development plans have input from relevant stakeholders.
Community engagement

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